Benefits and Side Effects of Fennel for Breastfeeding Mothers

Since long time ago, fennel was believed to be a galactogogue, a substance that was promoted that could expedite breast milk. Parts of this plant that are often used to smooth milk are the seeds and leaves. As we know, nursing mothers are prohibited from consuming any food because it can have an impact on breast milk. Then what about the safety of fennel herbal plants for nursing mothers and babies? Fennel is a type of flower plant originating from the Mediterranean. Now its existence can be found in all corners of the world. Plants smell nice and have this flavor often used as a spice in a number of dishes.

Efficacy of Fennel Scientifically

So far, fennel is believed to increase the supply of breastfeeding mothers who are breastfeeding. This is supported by a small-scale study which states that therapy with fennel can increase the amount of breast milk. However, one study alone is not enough to clinically prove the efficacy of fennel. More complete and comprehensive scientific clinical trials are still needed to get this certainty. If you want to try breastfeeding using fennel, you can enjoy it in three ways.
  • Fennel seeds can be brewed into tea.
  • Add as a spice in cooking.
  • Eaten as a cooked or raw vegetable.
However, always consult with your doctor first about the method or rules of use, and the risk of side effects or the results of the interaction of fennel with the drugs consumed. Also make sure the products you consume are legally registered at BPOM and suitable for consumption by breastfeeding mothers.

Safety Status

Whatever is consumed by a nursing mother, it will also be consumed by the baby. How about fennel? The actual safety of fennel in nursing mothers is not known with certainty. There are studies that claim safe, but there are also those who argue otherwise. FDA (BPOM United States) states that fennel can be categorized as a safe food ingredient and can be consumed by all adults, including nursing mothers. According to the FDA, a small amount of fennel contained in breast milk does not seem to be harmful to babies. Likewise, there are other studies which have concluded that fennel is safe to use for infants, but it is recommended to use no more than 14 days. Its use must be careful because if you consume excessive fennel, the effect can poison your child through breast milk. Infants have the potential to experience allergic reactions and poisoning due to breast milk from mothers who consume tea containing fennel and other herbal plants in excess. It is recommended to avoid fennel if you have allergies to celery, carrots or mugwort plants. People who have bleeding disorders should also avoid it because fennel is thought to slow blood clotting. The use of fennel should also be avoided by those who have hormone-sensitive conditions, such as those with ovarian cancer, endometriosis, breast cancer, or uterine cancer. Until now, there is no strong data to support the safety of fennel in breastfeeding mothers and children as the main stimulants of breast milk. If you want to consume it, choose a product that has been registered with BPOM RI and consult a doctor first.


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